Hello everyone, We are in need of help, your help! If you are already helping with some competition related task, great! Thank you. If not, then please consider helping with the Trucking Team and/or Pit Crew. As with so many of the activities that families...
Good morning, We are just 2 days away from our first competition of the season! Woohoo!! Here is some information for the day of. Here is the the show packet from Dublin. This packet has information about tickets, concessions, parkinig, and more. This will help all...
Message from Rob Hello, Foothill Instrumental Music Families! The 49th Annual Foothill Band Review is on Saturday, October 28, 2023. This is an incredible event that schools from all across the Bay Area look forward to attending. It is an astonishing success thanks...
Bands will attend the Football game this Friday and the Marching Band & Color Guard will perform during half time. We plan to stay until the end of the game (approximate pick up time will be 10:00-10:30). We will not be sitting in the stands this time, they are...
Foothill Marching Band and Guard Families, The “trucker team” for Foothill Marching Band and Color Guard is a vital part of our marching program.This loyal team helps to coordinate and transport equipment needed for our various competitions, including props, uniforms,...
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