Hello winter perc students and families, We are at the end of our winter season and I wanted to thank you all for participating and volunteering to help give the students such a wonderful and successful season. Here is the itinerary for Saturdays competition in...
This weekend is the NCBA championships for Guard. Guard itinerary – Sunday 4-7-24 Summary 9:10am Arrive to FHS 1:00pm Depart FHS 5:50pm Show Time 8:15pm Arrive at FHS 8:30pm Dismissal/Pick up from FHS
This weekend is the NCBA championships for Percussion. Percussion itinerary – Saturday 4-6-24 Summary 11:15am Arrive at FHS 11:30am Depart FHS 4:00pm Performance Time 7:15pm Arrive at FHS 7:30pm Unload Truck and...
Hello WInter Percussion members and families, Here is the itinerary for the show on Saturday. Summary: Arrive at FHSDepart FHSPerformDismissal from FHS10:15 am1-:30 am2:19 pm10:45 pm
On Friday April 26th we will be performing at Amador Valley MPR (since another event is taking place in the theater). Please look over the itinerary and check what time you will need to report to Amador Valley. All students will need to meet outside the music building...