Falcon Greetings Parents, Students and guests!
With the 2022-2023 season upon us, I’m hoping your schedule offers an opportunity to lend a hand to the Band Boosters this year.
Your gift of time directly impacts the the kid’s band experience, along with the band’s performing success.
We have a number of opportunities to help this year, ranging from being a committee lead all the way to helping behind the scenes, building and repairing our uniform racks and drum major platforms.
In whatever way you are able to help this year, we appreciate you, your time, and your commitment to helping the kids success this music season.

Here is a list of roles that we are looking to fill this year.
If any of these interest you, please sign up here <SIGN UP/VOLUNTEER PAGE LINK>.
If you have questions, feel free to send me an email at president@foothillmusic.org.
If your schedule does not permit you to volunteer this season, we still appreciate your consideration and will welcome you in to the fold once you are able.
With gratitude,
-Rob Reyes
Foothill Music Band Booster President and Fundraising Chair