Band Review!
It’s a big job!
We made it to the finish line together!
Please take some time today to rest and enjoy some family time.
An added bonus to our event this year was the addition of the 50th anniversary alumni band! Rob and Moises did a fantastic job of coordinating the alumni group members for months, along with their practice and time of fellowship & food on Friday. That was amazing and SO special!
As we have shared previously, “The Annual Foothill Band Review & Field Show” is our PROGRAM fundraiser for ALL instrumental music and guard students at FHS, from viola to vibes. These funds earned, help fill the massive gap in our program budget in addition to your “requested donations” each year- of which we are only at 35 percent

BUT Band Review is more than fundraising- it is a celebrated tradition where we are able to honor those from the past, celebrate the students of now, and keep tradition alive for the future- leaving a legacy.
Everyone plays a vital role in the event. We ended up with 98 percent student participation and 72 percent parent participation! While the goal is 100 percent, we are thrilled with all who gave endlessly to the event. You made a difference to the students and the day! Hurray!
Many positive comments and accolades were given to us from other schools, thanks to YOU! We were told how smoothly things went and how other groups felt welcomed and supported. That is because of you and your efforts! We are a team and we are better together.
We are continuing to give our instrumental and guard program new life each year with the freshmen families being welcomed into the fold and new families learning how they can carry the program forward. Every person matters and each of you play a vital role in our collective success.
A huge shout to my co-chair Holly Crane, who was the project lead and the glue of this band review. Together we attempted to draw all of you together to use your varying skill sets to make the day a success. Another huge shout out to my dear husband, Peter, who is my tech go to and supporter of a massive list of “honey dos” that I throw his way, in addition to leading trucking and Amador Parking and looking for a new job and …
A few other specific BIG shouts to:
Harshetha and Anna who wrangled the sign ups and volunteers
Richa in merchandise and trophies
Mauli, Steve and Kristin in concessions
Alfonso, Robert, Tejas and Peter in parking
Denise, Kristine and Monica in hospitality
Manoj, John and Michael in facilities
Spencer for grandstand
Patty, Jamie, Annie and Sean for parade
Alex for photos, videos and more…
Silvia for uniforms
Rob for doing anything we asked
Prasanna for creating directors packages
George and Eric for being amazing with no kids in our program!
Thanks again to you ALL, on behalf of the students and booster board, for leading our 50th Band Review with endless gifts of personal time, talents and resources to finish the race strong, TOGETHER!
This is YOUR program, led by volunteers. Each person makes a difference!
With much admiration and affection,
Cheryl Goebel
2024 Band Review Co-Chair *with Holly Crane
VP Band Booster Board
A regular mom, who said yes to helping 🙂
(Side note- we had a band parent medical emergency involving CPR from another school during our event and the man is ok. Thanks to those who wisely told the group to call 911.)