Winter Guard – San Mateo Show Information

by Feb 25, 2023News, Winter Guard

Happy Friday Everyone! 

Here we are on the eve of our second show day at San Mateo High School! The weather is looking promising for tomorrow but it’ll be very chilly with a high of 50º and a low of 43º, so please make sure your students bring layers! In this email you will find a few show day reminders.


Student call time tomorrow is 3:00 PM at the Band room. All students must arrive show ready; dressed in uniform, hair done and make up done. When the members arrive we will load the UHaul truck, meet in carpool groups to promptly leave by 3:30 PM.


Students should be prepared for the day with plenty of warm layers and plenty of water. Food will not be provided for members, so students should bring their own food or bring money for the snack bar at the show site. Due to our late performance, we only have a short time for dinner before awards start. Snacks are encouraged so members can snack as they need throughout the day before dinner time.

For a look at our detailed itinerary, please click HERE


After the show we should be arriving back at Foothill around 9:45 PM for our official dismissal / pick up time at 9:55 PM.

A big thank you to our Carpool drivers and Truck Drivers for this weekend! If you are driving, please be on the lookout for a separate email with more details. 

All of our guard members have been working so hard to learn more of their show the past few weeks and we are so excited to see them perform tomorrow! Please email me with any further questions at


Kristi LaDuca