Winter Guard: Logan Regional Information

by Mar 7, 2023News, Winter Guard

Another week, another show to plan for! 

We are coming up on our third show at James Logan high school for the WGI regional! In this email you will find Carpool sign ups for the rest of the season, Trucking volunteers, and Fair Share reminders.


Thank you to those who were already able to sign up for carpooling this weekend! We currently have 13 seats accounted for meaning that we still need 12 seats in order to get our members to the regional in Union City. If you are able to carpool for this show please fill out the spreadsheet HERE.

Please note that for the regional all guards will compete in the morning for prelims. Some guards will make finals, WHICH IS THE SAME DAY. There is a good chance that Foothill will make finals and have to perform a second time on the same day. HERE is the itinerary we have for Saturday so far. This itinerary also includes our schedule if we should make finals. Please stay tuned for more details about the show day!


We need one volunteer to drive the equipment Uhaul. If you are able to drive the equipment this weekend please email me ASAP! You would need to pick up the rental Friday, and drop it off at the school for loading (more details to come). When the show is over on Saturday, you would need to return the Uhaul as well.

Please email me directly at if you are able to drive the equipment truck.


As a reminder the Fairshare amount for the winter season is $600 and the uniforms are $100. To complete your payment please note that credit card donations are accepted on FutureFund at Foothill Future Fund ( and through

Donations by check may be mailed to Foothill Band Boosters Club, PO Box 866, Pleasanton CA 94566.

For any questions\concerns regarding making this donation please e-mail

Please note this is a voluntary donation to make our music program a success and your child’s participation in the program is not dependent on you donating towards the program.

More information about the show day on Saturday will be sent out a little later this week. Thank you all for your continued support this season! As always, you can email me directly at with any questions.


Kristi LaDuca