Weekly Update: Oct 25th, 2022


A huge thank you to all of you for helping make our 2022 Band Review a huge success.  The compliments from attending directors, schools, and their parents have kept coming in throughout the weekend.  We continue to run the best event in NCBA and that’s entirely due to your dedication to our program.  YOU ARE AMAZING! 

Message from Rob

With the 2022 Foothill Band Review behind us, I took a few days off to recover. Hopefully you did the same.

Even as soon as the events ended and throughout those recovery days, I was filled with reflection and appreciation.

For some of us, including myself, this was the first full Band Review we volunteered for. Some of you, this was your first time being a lead. For our Senior parents, this is your “last” band review. I put last in quotes because there were many alumni and alumni parents that came back and helped!

I cannot express how thankful I am for all of you that volunteered and helped. The Band Review was an absolute success with your help. Yes, there were hiccups and some difficulties, but all of you powered through, found solutions, and contributed to the Band Review’s success.

We now enter the part of the season where we get to visit other schools and attend their events. Please be sure to share your experience and thanks to all those other band parents that are working hard to make our experience at their school memorable.

With gratitude,


President, Foothill Band Boosters


Our amazing photography team has some fantastic photos from the Fall Band Review. Please enjoy viewing all of the photos on our photo app:




Our rescheduled Photo Day is this Saturday. Saturday rehearsal will have an early start time(11AM) to accommodate the photos. 

The photographers will be taking group photos and individual photos. If you would like to have individual photos taken of your student you must fill out the photo order form. The photographer will ONLY take individual photos of those students who bring the filled out paper order form with payment. We will send a notification when the photos are available for pick up in the band room. There is no online ordering for individual photos.


If you only want to purchase a group photo, you either order it on the photo order form or you can order it online after Saturday 10/29/22. The group photos will be available to view next week at  https://photo360sports.com/. You will find our group photos under FHS Band with the date of the session 10/29/22. All online order have a $6 shipping fee. The online orders will be shipped directly to your home. You can order the group photos with the paper photo form and save the $6 fee.

Schedule for the day will be as follows:

11:00 AM Students change into uniform

11:30 AM Students line up for group picture

12:00 PM Time for section pictures

1:00 PM Students change out of uniform

1:30 PM Rehearsal begins

4:30 PM Dinner Break

6:00PM Rehearsal 

9:00 PM Rehearsal ends

Any questions, please contact Photo 360 at 925-933-9329


Our middle school students will be joining us in the stands this Friday for our last home football game of the season.  Friday is a minimum day schedule and the students will be out of school at 12:35pm.  They are welcome to stay and hang out in the band room until it is time for game day preparations.  We will be doing a movie in the band room while the students wait for our 8th grade band day to start. 

400pm Foothill Leadership arrives

430pm Foothill students change

440pm Middle School students arrive

500pm All students warm up / play together

600pm Dinner break (provided by FHS Boosters)

630pm Students line up to walk into Stadium

700pm Game Begins

830pm Estimated pick up time from Foothill

Rehearsal – November 1st (staff development day): 

Our practice will stay at our regularly scheduled time this day. 530-900pm

Measure I Informational Meetings

This week we will be hosting two Measure I informational meetings on Zoom. First is tonight, Tuesday 10/25 at 8p. The second is on Thursday 10/27 at 7p.

Measure I is a Bond Measure on this year’s ballot that is focused on helping Music and Arts in the Pleasanton School District. It includes a new theater at Foothill, improvements to the music rooms at Foothill, along with further support of the art and drama programs. This also includes a number of improvements at AVHS.

The Zoom meeting will give you  a chance to learn more and ask questions of the Measure I team.

Here are the links to each session:

Tuesday 10/25, 8p to 8:30p

Join Zoom Meeting: 


Thursday 10/27 7p to 7:30p

Join Zoom Meeting: https://pleasantonusd.zoom.us/j/84671045812?pwd=cEYvV0JkelVUL2dNVW8yQ3lCVzRuZz09

Champs Band Competition with Concerts – Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022

For our final band competition, we will be participating in the concerts as well as the marching band field show. 

Sat. Nov. 20: Tournament of Champs

Wind, Jazz, Symphonic and Concert bands will perform

All students will need concert dress (tuxedos for young men and long black dresses for young women). Jazz band students should dress in Jazz appropriate dress. If you haven’t already, please order your concert attire or check the sizing from last year to be sure you have attire that fits. 
