Weekly update: Oct 10th, 2022

Message from Rob for all instrumental music/color guard parents

Hello Parents!

We are approaching Fall Band Review week, so expect a ton of communication from us in the coming days.

We will be holding a Parent Meeting on Saturday 10/15 from 9a to 9:30 in the MPR. Just a quick gathering to brief you on all the amazing things going on with the program. We’ll have coffee and donuts as well.

Highlights in today’s email:

  • Fall Review tickets are now available!
  • Fall Band Review Adult Signups are live. Please review and sign up for shifts.
  • Be a Fall Band Review Sponsor.
  • Marching Band Practice on 10/15 is from 9a to 2p with a snack break from 11:30a -12p

With Gratitude,


Fall Band Review – Ticket Sales are live now!

Wristbands are required for all spectators for the field show at FHS. Purchase your tickets in advance to avoid waiting in the long line. 

General Admission (18-64 years old) $15

General Admission (5-17 years old) $10.00

General Admission (Above 64 years old) $10.00

Children under five years old are free


Fall Band Review – Adult Volunteer Sign-up is open! 

The Foothill Band Review is on Saturday, October 22, 2022. This is the Foothill HS Music Program’s  largest fundraiser of the year and benefits all programs of the Foothill Instrumental Music and Color Guard.


The Band Review is solely hosted by Foothill HS but will take place in 3 different locations in Pleasanton throughout the day: Downtown Pleasanton (parade competition down Main Street) and Amador Valley High School (concert competitions) and Foothill High School  (Field Show Competition).

Each Foothill Instrumental Music & Color Guard family is required to sign-up for at least 2 volunteer shifts (or 1 for Orchestra/Jazz families). 

Fall Band Review adult volunteer sign-up here.

Students will sign-up through a different sign-up that will be sent by the directors. 

Be a Sponsor for the Fall Band Review

We are looking for Corporate, Family, or Individual sponsorships for our upcoming Fall Band Review on October 22. These sponsorships will fund our music programs and pay for the cost of our trophies for the event.

Your sponsorship will be recognized in our program and announced at our Fall Competition Event.  If interested, please fill out the attached form and return to the Booster mailbox in the band room to make your sponsorship donation or make sponsorship on line here. Any questions can be emailed to president@foothillmusic.org.

Message for marching band/color guard parents

Marching band practice Saturday, Oct 15th

Marching band practice will be from 9a to 2p. This is a shortened rehearsal to give the kids the opportunity to go to the Homecoming Dance.

Marching Band/Color Guard Photos have been rescheduled

Marching Band/Color Guard photo has been rescheduled to a later date. We’ll be following up with that schedule in a future email.