Thank You Notes from Band Review Leads, Photos and Videos

Message from 50th Band Review Co-chairs

Thank you isn’t enough to really cover the gratitude and appreciation in our hearts for each and every student and volunteer that helped support the very special 50th Band Review!  

Thank you to all the leads that came out weekly for all the planning meetings since August and to all of you that worked so hard to pull off such a great event!

This fundraiser is the main event to help fund the many instrumental music programs for Jazz, Orchestra, Marching Band, Symphonic, Wind Ensemble, Guard & Percussion. 

We hope you all caught band fever and continue to grow the program for the students today and into the future. 

Thank you all so much – 

Holly Crane & Cheryl Goebel- Band Review Co-chairs

Band Review Photos and Videos

From Alex Oei (Photographs):

Thanks to the hard work of the media team for capturing images, video, then sharing to all.  It’s a group lift, and we are successful as a team (Cao, EJ, Kristine, Kun, Maricris, Milton, Peggy, Prakash, Shuba and Yongjik).

Photos of the Band review can be found on the Flickr Account.  

Videos of the Parade and Field performances will be available under the following Youtube playlists:

Disclaimer: Please keep FHS field show video links within the FHS music families.
Kindly refrain from posting or sharing it publicly until after the marching season concludes.

Additionally if you have photos that you would like to share, please place them in this Google Drive Folder.  

Messages from Band Review Leads

From Anna and Harshetha (Volunteer Coordinators):

A big thanks to all the 450+ volunteers who helped make our 50th Band Review a phenomenal success. Your time, energy, flexibility and dedication were instrumental in making this event a reality. It’s always humbling to witness the power of community. We filled 98% of student slots and 72% of adult slots on Sign Up Genius. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated parent volunteers who generously took on 2-4 shifts. A special thanks to our Volunteer checkin team – Melanie, Audrey, Alethea, Byoungkyun, Tiffany, Yu Tzu, Ritika, Niro and Flavia. Congratulations Foothill Band Family!

From Richa Malik (Merchandise):

Merch was a success this year because of the ideas, enthusiasm and hard work of the collective team. Thank you Mauli for designing the incredible 50th Anniversary FBR logo, Yuan for sewing the flags and helping the entire day, George for so many things – devices, display, power cords, random other things. There are so many more to thank… Peter, Ellen, Prasana, Mark Wong, Qiang Du, Jin Zou, Garrick Lau, Peggy Hsu, Veronica Wong and Liling Chang. I am always in awe of the generosity of people’s time and also the larger community who support the band program.

From Steve Haney (AVHS Concessions):

A big thank you to all the adult and student volunteers who helped out with AVHS Concessions this year! Despite a few glitches and setbacks, you all came through with flying colors.  

First of all, a big shout out to our amazing students who are so smart, hardworking, and, most of all, kind.  Thank you for your help and the joy you bring to us parents & guardians.  You did great and we appreciate you!

Thanks and gratitude to the early, early, early bird adult volunteers who showed up in the chilly weather before the crack of dawn to set up the booth.  Working in the cold and gloom is no one’s idea of a fun time, but you brought light into the darkness.  You set up the entire stand smoothly and seamlessly, with nary a glitch. Then the afternoon crew arrived like a boss, taking over what was, by then, a well-oiled machine. From grilling to serving to sales, they easily took on the lunch hour rush, complete with smiles and laughter.  And the kids made sure the stand never stopped thumping with energy and fun.

Finally, a big hug of gratitude to Manoj M., George C., Alex O. and Peter G.  Before we could set out one table, much less sell our foodstuffs, all the hard, unglamorous work had to happen: hauling all the equipment to our site, getting power in place, setting up the point of sale system, ensuring we had water, trash cans, etc!  You guys are the foundation upon which everything else about Amador Concessions is built.