Important Announcements from FHS Music Boosters

Next Fundraising event: Zachary’s Chicago Pizza

  • When: Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 11:00am – 9:00pm
  • Where: 337 Main St, Pleasanton (phone: 925-600-0089)

Love pizza?  And donations to our band program?  GREAT!  On 9/28, Zachary’s will donate 15% of your pre-tax bill to our music program. *Only full priced menu items included in fundraiser donations* Third-party delivery orders are excluded. Flier required for donation. Print or show via smartphone.  Come show your support and order pizza at Zachary’s!!!

Friday Football This Week vs Amador Valley

Friday Football versus Amador Valley, our cross-town rival is a huge game, so expect a huge crowd. We will be staying for the entire game, so pickup time is different. Call time for Pep Band (all members from all bands) is 5:30pm and members should be ready for pick up after the game, approximately 9:45p or so.

Reminder: Saturday is Marching Band Uniform Fitting Day for Freshman and Sophomore 

  • 8:30 am. – 9:00 am. –  Sophomores from sections: Clarinets, Trumpets, Flutes, Alto & Tenor Saxes. 
  • 9:00 am. – 9:30 am. – Sophomores from sections: Mellos, Low Brass, Bousas, Front Ensemble (Pit), Battery
  • 10:00 am. – 10:30 am. Freshman from sections: Clarinets, Trumpets, Flutes, Alto & Tenor Saxes  
  • 10:30 am. – 11:00 am. – Freshman from sections: Mellos, Low Brass, Bousas, Front Ensemble (Pit), Battery

We need volunteers. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Please sign up to help:

  • Click HERE to Volunteer for the Freshman/Sophomore Fitting Day

SAVE THE DATE – Fall Band Review is Oct. 22

Our largest fundraiser of the year is the Fall Band Review which benefits the entire FHS Music Program. We take over the entire city of Pleasanton with a parade down main street in the morning, concerts at Amador Valley High School throughout the day and Marching competition at FHS in afternoon and evening. It’s a fun day that requires participation from all of the FHS instrumental band students and parent. So mark our calendars and look out for the Sign-up Genius for volunteer shifts coming out next week.

Leads and Secretary positions still open

Contact to sign up for a job 

Secretary: We are in need of a Secretary to join our Executive Board. Unfortunately our Secretary needs to set down and we are looking for a parent to join our Band Booster Board as our Secretary. The position requires attendance at our monthly board meetings to record the meeting and post the minutes. You will also do some administrative work for the Band Reviews. 


• AVHS/FHS Parking Co-Lead: Partner with co-lead on parking at FHS & AVHS

• Concessions Co-Lead: Partner with co-lead on concessions at FHS & AVHS

• Parade/Barricade: Coordinate street closures and ensure volunteers are in place

• Parade Line Man: Coordinator at parade step-off line 

• First Aid Lead – AVHS: Run the first aid tent at Amador

• First Aid Lead – FHS: Run the first aid tent at Foothill

• Field Master at FHS: Gate keeper for entering and exiting the marching bands for the field show

• Grandstand Judge Assistant – FHS: Check in with field show judges and assist with meals, beverages and any other needs of the judges in the field show. 

Meat & Seafood Sale was a big success!

Thank you to our parents and students for helping out with the Meat & Seafood Saleon the weekend of Sep10-11 and helping make this first fundraiser such a success. We raised nearly $7,000 for our music program. Thank you to our fearless Booster President, Rob Reyes, for heading up this new fundraiser for our music program. We’re looking forward to doing it again in May 2023.