Help Needed – Foothill Band Review on Oct 26th!

Hello Parents!

We are coming up on our 50th Foothill Band Review! It is becoming an incredibly exciting event with over 30 bands coming to march through downtown Pleasanton and perform their field shows at Foothill Stadium.

Band Review has a long standing reputation of being one of the largest in the Bay Area and schools as far away as Reno and parts of Oregon come to the competition we host.

Host this event takes a small army of volunteers like you to make it memorable for all the students that participate in it.

Here is a list of leads we need immediate help with. If any of these interest you, please email Cheryl Goebel at to let her know how you can help.

  • First Aid Lead – Lead Coordinator of volunteers to sit at booths during shifts. Bring or assign others to bring first aid supplies to stations at beginning of shifts, collect (or assign/instruct) return of supplies at end of events.
  • Show Program Lead (Online and Print Versions) – Responsible for gathering information from registration (directors or chair) for bands, produce into an online booklet format. For a paper program, we’ll need to have that ready 3 weeks prior to event to allow for printing.
  • Quartermaster – Responsible for equipment inventory – helping organize lead requests – source additional equipment (borrow, purchase, rent) – work with Logistics lead for transport of equipment – should use volunteers to help.
  • Logistics Lead – Responsible for equipment delivery AND pick up and tracking – organize volunteers to help complete; work with Quartermaster – work with other leads on equipment needs.
  • Trophy Sponsorship Lead – Responsible for soliciting trophy sponsorships – families, companies, individuals can ‘sponsor’ cost of trophies – typically Grand, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. The purchaser can choose. Organize and match individuals to trophy at AVHS or FHS awards. Sponsor can present the trophy on the field to winning bands.
  • Parade Facilities – Responsible for organizing the equipment for the parade – work with logistics, grandstand lead.
  • Parade Starter Assistant – Responsible for lining schools in order for parade – station is close to AVHS where school parking is located.
  • Parade Step Off – Responsible for starting bands for competition (and to ensure bands are quiet in the ‘quiet zone.’
  • AVHS Facility Co-Lead – Assist the AVHS facility lead. Help finding volunteers for AVHS shifts, moving equipment, setting up tables, helping volunteers.
  • FHS Facility Co-Lead – Assist the FHS facility lead. Help finding volunteers for FHS shifts, moving equipment, setting up tables, helping volunteers.

We are here to make you successful in whatever role you select and will give you all the guidance and help we can.

We look forward to hearing from you!