Foothill Itinerary – Sat, Oct 28, 2023

Location: Amador Valley(AM) and Foothill High School(PM)

Parade in the morning

Arrive at AVHS TheaterParadeDismissal after Parade
6 am8:45 am10:15 am

Field show in the evening

Put on uniforms at FHSPerformClean up
7:15 pm10 pm11 pm


6:00 am Arrive in front of the Amador Valley Theater and get into uniform

6:20 am Line up in twos to walk to music warm up

6:30 am Warm up

8:00 am Report to form

8:25 am Parade step off

8:45 am Competition step off

9:15 am Parade is done

10:00 am Out of uniform and put equipment away

10:15 am You are dismissed to go work your volunteer shifts

  • During this time work your shift at either Amador Valley or Foothill. It is required!

7:15 pm Put on uniforms in the band room at Foothill High School

7:40 pm Line up in two’s with visual staff

7:50 pm Visual warm up

8:50 pm Music warm-up

9:20 pm Full music ensemble warm-Up

9:40 pm To field staging area

9:50 pm Field staging area 

10:00 pm Perform “Shine Through”

10:15 pm Put equipment away/change out of uniform

10:45 pm Awards Ceremony 

11:00 pm EVERYONE HELP CLEAN UP! Everyone must stay until everything is put away.

Things to remember: ✓ LONG BLACK socks   ✓ Clean Marching Shoes 

✓ Deodorant   ✓ Warm Jacket   ✓ Show Shirt

You are representing Foothill High School, PUSD & Pleasanton. Make us all proud to be a part of the Foothill Marching Band & Color Guard.

All hands on deck for parent and student volunteer shifts. Please sign up! Your help would be greatly appreciated.