FHS Ensembles newsletter – May

Hello Foothill instrumental music families,

Here are upcoming events in May.

  1. String and Symphony Orchestra Concert – May 1 @ Amador Theater
    • String Orchestra call time 6:00pm
    • Symphony Orchestra Call time 6:45pm
  2. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic/Concert Band Concert – May 2 – @ Amador Theater
    • All band students call time is 6:30pm
  3. Jazz concert at Rios-Lovell – May 9
    • All students set up at 5:30pm
  4. Foothill Music End of Year Banquet – May 17

Our band/ orchestra spring concerts will be at Amador Valley Theater.

  • String and Symphony Orchestra Concert – Wed, May 1, 7pm
  • Wind Ensemble and Symphonic/Concert Band Concert – Thurs, May 2, 7pm

Our jazz band concert will be at Rios-Lovell Winery on Thursday, May 9.

Photos and Videos from CMEA festival

Our band and orchestra groups participated in the CMEA festival at AVHS on Friday, April 26.

Here are the photos and videos links. Enjoy!

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNPfN4-9a2qrEeRojlprIGhWJydDXJNHK

String Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/68564339@N07/albums/72177720316536269/

Band Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/68564339@N07/albums/72177720316523631/

Instrumental Music Yearbook Order Due April 30

Please purchase your 2023-24 Instrumental Music yearbook here by April 30. If you want to pay with a check, use this pdf order form. We plan to have them distributed by the end of May.

End of Year BANQUET

Let’s celebrate for all and a “toast” to the 2024 graduating Seniors! 

Our annual banquet will be held at FHS small gym from 6-8pm on Fri., May 17.

All Band, Strings & Colorguard Students Invited (Free ticket)

Graduating Senior Parents are invited to attend only – Senior Parent meal tickets, $20 each order by April 30 here (**please scroll to bottom “general donation” button, select $20; type: senior parent meal)

See detail at https://foothillmusic.org/2024-end-of-year-banquet-senior-toast-for-all-foothill-band-strings-guard-students/

Individual Donation Needed!

The Foothill Music Program is fully dependent on family donations to support various core activities. If you have donated, we thank you! If you have not yet donated, we ask that you consider doing so this school year!

Please visit https://foothillmusic.org/donate/ to find information on how to make your individual donation.