Fall Band Review Sign-ups & More

Message from Rob

Good day, Band Parents! Thank you for taking the time to read through this email.

There is A LOT going on this month, including Performance Dress information, Band Review on 10/22, and our FIRST show competition this Saturday, 10/8, at Dublin High School.

Please read through all sections as we are in need of your help! If you have any questions, you can email me at president@foothillmusic.org


Fall Band Review – Adult Volunteer Sign-up is open! 

The Foothill Band Review is on Saturday, October 22, 2022. This is the Foothill HS Music Program’s  largest fundraiser of the year and benefits all programs of the Foothill Instrumental Music and Color Guard.


The Band Review is solely hosted by Foothill HS but will take place in 3 different locations in Pleasanton throughout the day: Downtown Pleasanton (parade competition down Main Street) and Amador Valley High School (concert competitions) and Foothill High School  (Field Show Competition).

Each Foothill Instrumental Music & Color Guard family is required to sign-up for at least 2 volunteer shifts (or 1 for Orchestra families). 

Fall Band Review adult volunteer sign-up here. 

Students will sign-up through a different sign-up that will be sent by the directors. 

Be a Sponsor for the Fall Band Review

We are looking for Corporate, Family, or Individual sponsorships for our upcoming Fall Band Review on October 22. These sponsorships will fund our music programs and pay for the cost of our trophies for the event.

Your sponsorship will be recognized in our program and announced at our Fall Competition Event.  If interested, please fill out the attached form and return to the Booster mailbox in the band room to make your sponsorship donation or make sponsorship on line here. Any questions can be emailed to president@foothillmusic.org.

Performance Dress Information for all Band & Orchestra Students

If you don’t have your concert attire yet, it’s time to order one so you have it for the Fall competition on Sat. Nov. 19 – Tournament of Champs – Wind, Symphonic and Concert band students will need concert attire ready for this competition.

TUXEDO: Black Tuxedo, Black bowtie and cummerbund (or vest), White shirt, Long black socks, Black dress shoes

CONCERT DRESS: Long black dress, Black dress shoes, flats

Either of these options can apply to all students. Any tuxedo will work fine as long as it’s all black with a white shirt. Please plan plenty of time to order and get necessary alterations before upcoming performances.

Here are suggestions of what to purchase:

Tuxedo Option   Concert Dress Option

Dublin Marching Band Competition is Sat. 10/8/22

Our first Marching Band Competition is this Saturday, Oct. 8th at Dublin High School. Since Dublin is a local school, we will not have buses or food service for this competition. Students need to be dropped off at Dublin High at 4:40PM. Please be sure your student eats dinner prior to arriving. They will perform at 8:10PM. We hope to see you all at the DHS stadium cheering them on. 

 Here is the Itinerary for the Dublin competition

Marching Band Photos – Monday, Oct. 10th after school

If you would like to have individual photos taken of your student on Monday, Oct 10th you must fill out the photo order form. The photographer will ONLY take individual photos of those students who bring the filled out paper order form with payment. We will send a notification when the photos are available for pick up in the band room. There is no online ordering for individual photos.


If you only want to purchase a group photo, you either order it on the photo order form or you can order it online after Monday 10/10/22. The group photos will be available to view after Monday at  https://photo360sports.com/. You will find our group photos under FHS Band with the date of the session 10/10/22. All online order have a $6 shipping fee. The online orders will be shipped directly to your home. You can order the group photos with the paper photo form and save the $6 fee.

Any questions, please contact Photo 360 at 925-933-9329

Dietary Restriction Notification

If your student has dietary restrictions, please fill out this Google form as soon as possible. Our competition season is starting soon and our Food Committee needs this information. If you filled out this form at the beginning of the season, you do not need to fill it out again. 


Links to marching band group photos taken last week 

Enjoy looking through the photos that our amazing photography committee took of the Marching Band Sections last week.

Leadership photos:


Sections photos:


Senior photos (this will be updated throughout the year):
