Rios Lovell Winery Jazz Show
About the Rios Lovell Winery Jazz Show
The Rios Lovell Winery Jazz Show is an annual show where Rios Lovell Winery hosts performances of Jazz A and Jazz B.
Date: TBD
Please visit this page to find updates and the latest news.
Latest Rios Lovell Winery Jazz Show News
Ask for help with the Jazz Concert at Rios Lovell Winery, May 10
Hello Jazz parents, We have an upcoming jazz concert at Rios Lovell Winery! ---- May 10 6500 Tesla Rd, Livermore, CA 94550 5:30pm Set up Concert Starts at 7pm. Can probably get the room as early as 5:00pm. ---- Mr. Baldwin gives us the performance space and guests buy...
Campana Schedule Jazz A, B, Combo
Good Afternoon, Here is the Campana Schedule for this weekend, February 11.All performances at Amador Valley High School on Santa Rita road. Jazz B 1:00pm Meet at Amador Band Room 1:25pm Warm up in L-6 1:50pm Performance in Band Room 2:15pm Clinic 2:45pm Photo...

Rios Lovell Winery Jazz Show post 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. In ornare quam viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis. Sagittis id consectetur purus ut faucibus. Eu sem integer vitae justo eget...

Jazz Band Post 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod quis. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra. Dignissim convallis...
Auditions for 2021-2022 Wind Ensemble and Jazz A
The audition material has been posted for the 2021-2022 Wind Ensemble and Jazz A Bands. If you are interested in trying out, please check out the material under Students --> Audition or click here. Please review all the material and contact Mr Hinojosa or Mr...
Spring Candy Sales – Until March 19th
Didn't get enough chocolate in our Valentine's day sale, well don't miss this chance to get some sweet treats for Easter and help support the FHS Band Program. Share the flier with friends and family. FHS Spring FundraiserDownload
Foothill Band Review Remembrance
Our Foothill Marching Band is really missing the Band Review this weekend. Seeing all the amazing performances and getting to engage with our amazing community. We create a tribute to the band review to share with the community. But here are a few throw back pictures...
Bi-Weekly Update – October 19th Updates
Hello Amazing Band Families! Welcome to our second October 2020 Communication Update! This newsletter will capture a few big topics that you will help keep you involved and informed. As always, please ensure you check the website and subscribe to our band calendar....
BiWeekly Update – October 4th Updates!
Hello Amazing Band Families! Welcome to our first October 2020 Communication Update! This newsletter will capture a few big topics that you will help keep you involved and informed. Please ensure you check the website and subscribe to our band calendar. Director’s...
FHS Booster Meeting – August 2020
Thank you to all the parents and families that attend our FHS Booster Meeting - August 2020. You can access the slides at: or the link below. August-Booster-MeetingDownload
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