Chaperone Responsibilities

General chaperone responsibilities on trip:
-make sure your group gets on correct bus, plane, etc…(count heads each time!!)
-at each hotel, each chaperone will receive a key card for each room in which he/she has students. Help students (as needed) find rooms.
-at end of each day, make sure your group is in correct hotel room (rooms)
-attend nightly Adult Traveler meetings (usually in lobby of hotel) to learn schedule for next day
-each night, communicate plan for next morning with your group (when to get up/be ready to leave room for breakfast, what to be wearing, etc..)
– physically go to each of your students’ rooms each morning and make sure everyone is up
-hold emergency money and copies of passports(will be given to you in envelope by parents at check-in)
–ALERT Directors to any issues as soon as possible!!
Plus, because it’s a international trip, chaperones might need to check students’ passports to make sure their passports still with them every time when they ride on the bus.