Message from Rob
Evening all.
I cannot express how proud I am of every single one of your efforts to make the 49th Band Review an incredible success. I received incredibly positive feedback and gratitude from directors, parents, and other booster board members commenting on how much they appreciate coming to Foothill, how we run our show, and how attentive we are to their success.
That is our heritage and that is why Foothill Band Review continues to be one of the largest (and, in my opinion THE BEST) band reviews in Northern California.
We have 360 until our 50th Band Review, an extravaganza we all get to plan together.
It is an honor and a privilege to part of this incredible community, and I am grateful for each of you making it so much fun to be a part of.
WIth gratitude,
Band Review Photos and Videos
Band Review Photos and Videos are available now.
Thanks to all my photography team members who worked hard and covered different angles and locations to take the fabulous photos. – – – Peggy
Videos Links – – – – Parade – – – Field Show – – – – Field Show Zoomed Version
Photos Links
Photos by Peggy Chen – – – – Volunteers / Judges / Concert & Misc – – – Award – – – Parade & Field Show
Photo by Kun Xu – – – Parade – – – Field Show
Photo by Alex Oei – – – Volunteers – – – Parade – – – Field Show
Photo by Frank Qi – – – Parade & Field Show
Messages from Band Review Leads
Walkie-Talkie Request
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible. During the event, we issued school owned walkie-talkies to volunteers in key roles. One of those walkie-talkies is missing. Can you please check if you may have a walkie talkie in your car or at home? If so, please let us know it is found and return to the Foothill School Administration office.
“A big thanks to all the Parent and Student volunteers who made AVHS Concessions such a huge success this year. Your energy, focus, and hard work took a great weight off my shoulders, and I am grateful to you for that. Most importantly, by delivering a great concessions experience, you were the face of our music program to our visitors, and your Falcon spirit came shining through. I would be so lucky as to work with all of you again as part of our Foothill Band Boosters family!”
Trucking, Parking, Logistics, and Pit Crew
From Peter Goebel:
What can I say?! You have probably seen my posts in the Band App. There have been countless hours put in by numerous people to plan, prepare and execute all of the activities that make our Band Review such a top notch event. I want to call out just a few folks that took weight off my shoulders, making my roles easier and contributing significantly to the overall success of this year’s event. Please thank them the next time you see them.
Alfonso Loopez – FHS Parking Lead
Robert Teed – AVHS Parking Lead
Alex Oei – lots of trucking, props and more
Jaime Roberts – field show props and more
Manoj – Amador facilities and equipment logistics
Harshetha Kumar – volunteer coordinator and truck rental reservations
Holly Crane and Lara Quershi – alumni that provided invaluable guidance and direction
and of course Cheryl Goebel – vice president and an amazing organizer and multi-tasker
Lastly, one special shout out: We had a Godsend in drum major alumnus Derek Dressler coming to watch and help if needed. Besides helping push on podiums at the performance and with various cleanup activities, he saved the day at the very end of the night (~2am). Committed to his memory were the exact keys needed and the instructions for turning off the stadium lights. THANK YOU!
Hearty congratulations to FHS music on a successful Band Review. I was truly humbled while witnessing the hard work and determination that went into the execution of this grand event. My sincere gratitude to our fleet of volunteers – parents, alumni and students for making this a successful event.
— Harshetha
Congratulations Music & Guard families for hosting a fabulous day! You’ve kept the spirit of FHS music going strong! I love being an alumni parent of this great family. I’m so impressed and honored to share the day with you all. You put in such a wonderful Band Review!
Thank you for all that you do, for your talent and dedication! Once a Falcon always a Falcon! Soar High!
Holly Crane – Alumni volunteer
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