Category: Students

  • Food Volunteer, More on Bingo and Volunteer Opportunities

    First we want to send a BIG thank you to the parents that stepped in on Saturday night for Bingo.  We had 10 volunteers show up and filled all of our slots – so to all those parents – THANK YOU. So now the additional ask. Food for Del Mar We have changed the approach…

  • Sign-up Time & Weekly Wrap-up – 9/20/2019

    It is the time you have been waiting for… wait for it… Sign-up Time (oh and the Weekly Update).  Our Adult Volunteer Sign up links have now been posted to the website.   Volunteer Sign Up Information Families can now sign up for the following events:  Fall Band Review, Crab Feed and the Winter Show. Please…

  • Cookies, Bingo Highlights and Sign-Ups

    Here are some key highlights that you should be aware of: Cookie Sales: The opportunity is here again to offset this year’s music expenses by selling some high quality Gourmet Cookie Dough.  Coffee Cakes, Cake Rolls, Cheesecake, Brownies, Pumpkin Pie, and Cinnamon Rolls. For every 10 items you sell you will receive a free item…

  • Weekly Wrap-up – 9/13/2019

    It is time again for another Weekly Wrap-up.  Hard to believe that our first Band Review is only 3 weeks away (WOW).  Here is the summary of the upcoming events: Schedule Reminders for this week (9/14-9/20) Sept 14 (Tonight): Jazz A is managing Bingo.  If you want to help us raise money, come and play…

  • Weekly Wrap-up – 9/7/2019

    We are sorry that the Weekly Wrap-up is late (better late than never).  I was traveling last week so I couldn’t get the information out.  Here is the summary:   Schedule Reminders For this week (9/9-9/13): Sept 10 (Tuesday) – Marching Band Rehearsal 5:30-900 Sept 12 (Thursday) – Sectionals Band 3:30-5pm Percussion 3:30-6:30pm Guard 6:00-9pm Sept…

  • Final Reminder: Uniform Fitting Day for Sophomores and Freshmen

    Marching Band Uniform Fitting Day for Sophomores and Freshmen is THIS Saturday, September 7th! Click below to Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt!If you have not already done so. Please do the following BEFORE you come to your fitting: Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt Inspect the condition of your old Drill Masters (Marching Shoes) if you have them. If cracked,…

  • Important Fitting Day Information for Sophomores and Freshmen

    Marching Band Uniform Fitting Day for Sophomores and Freshmen is Saturday, September 7th!Click below to Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt! If you have not already done so. Please do the following BEFORE you come to your fitting: Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt Inspect the condition of your old Drill Masters (Marching Shoes)…

  • Weekly Wrap-Up – 8/28/2019

    Three weeks are almost under our belt and guess what – its time for the performances to start!  Here are some reminders for this week and next, so please take the time to review the information.  Schedule Reminders For this week:  Aug 29 (Thursday) Guard Practice 3-4pm Percussion 3:30-5pm Band 3:30-5pm Jazz A call time…

  • Volunteering Update – Bingo Shifts

    Our sign-ups for the Bingo shifts are now posted on the website.  It is important to remember that every family in every ensemble (Marching Band, Color Guard, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz A, Jazz B and Orchestra) are being asked to volunteer at least 4 shifts this year.  Volunteering is critical to our…

  • Final Reminder: Uniform Fitting Day for Juniors/Seniors

    Remember: Marching Band Uniform Fitting Day for Juniors and Seniors is tomorrow Saturday, August 24th! Click here to Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt! If you have not already done so.  Please do the following BEFORE you come to your fitting: Reserve your Uniform and Show T-shirt Inspect the condition of your old Drill Masters (Marching Shoes) If cracked, in poor condition, the wrong…