Hello Amazing Band Families! Hard to believe, but this will be our FINAL newsletter for 2020. While it has been a rough year, we are still thankful that our Marching Band was able to spend some time together, and we are anxious to share the video with you all!!!...
Hello Amazing Band Families! We would like to share a couple of key reminders: General Band Booster Meeting – MEETING CHANGE: Nov 16, 2020 at 7pmDirector’s Note2020 Show ShirtsBand Gear Fundraising General Band Booster Meeting Don’t forget to...
Welcome to our next 2020 Communication Update! This newsletter will capture a few big topics that you will help keep you involved and informed. As always, please ensure you check the website and subscribe to our band calendar. Fundraising...
Our Foothill Marching Band is really missing the Band Review this weekend. Seeing all the amazing performances and getting to engage with our amazing community. We create a tribute to the band review to share with the community. But here are a few throw back pictures...
Hello Amazing Band Families! Welcome to our first October 2020 Communication Update! This newsletter will capture a few big topics that you will help keep you involved and informed. Please ensure you check the website and subscribe to our band calendar. Director’s...
Parents thank you for joining us for the band booster meeting. General Update: All software needs have been fulfilled Directors are working to have one virtual performance to share per ensemblePlease encourage the kids to practice every day. They should all have music...