Hello Amazing Band Families!
Welcome to our second October 2020 Communication Update! This newsletter will capture a few big topics that you will help keep you involved and informed. As always, please ensure you check the website and subscribe to our band calendar.
- President’s Letter
- A Reminder from our Treasurer
- Honor Groups (band / orchestra) Information
- Promo about Merchandise
- Board Meeting Update – next meeting October 21st, 7pm.
Before we start the newsletter – let’s take a quick walk down memory lane with a couple of GREAT shots from last years band review:
(We miss you Alex!)
President’s Message
Dear Foothill Families
These are the days – the days all FHS Parents and Band Students would be running around getting things ready for our BIG FALL PARADE & BAND REVIEW! So much goes into the planning for this one event. While we don’t have an event this year on October 24th, you could still get up at 8am and drive downtown, grab your favorite cup of joe, sit at a nice cafe and pretend you see and hear all the color and grandeur of years past!
We continue to have positive thoughts for when we can all be together again – and we hope next year we can plan our event, however it may need to look – but we do need committee members. If you’re interested in lending a hand we would love to have your ideas and support to start planning for next year! Please contact me if you can join us! As always we wish you all good health and safety. Thank you for your continued support. If you have ideas for fundraising we would love to hear them. Please reach out to anyone on the board! Thank you! Be Safe!
All the best
Holly Crane
A Reminder from our Treasurer
Foothill families – our band is funded heavily through the Fair Share Program. So far this year, the contributions are not nearly what they have been in the past. If the program is not properly funded, we will have to consider making reductions that could impact our program.
Please take a few minutes to review the Charms statements you received from: CharmsEmailSender@charmsmusic.com. If you have not seen a statement, make sure to check your SPAM. If you need help logging into your charms account or if you have any questions, please contact Vikram our Treasurer.
Honor Groups (band / orchestra) Information
- Update from CASMEC
- All State / All Northern Band Audition Music Link
- All State Orchestra Audition Music Link
- All recordings are due Nov 20, 2020
- Email to Hinojosa / Nishimori
- December Honor Orchestra Link
Promo about Merchandise
It is getting exciting, with the holidays just around the corner, the Band Boosters are actively working on some fun and exciting Band Swag. Stay on the lookout for our online store for merchandise. When launched the site will be live for 2 weeks and items will be shipped directly to your door (PS don’t let the kids peek if they are presents). The store will offer a number of NEW apparel items with some NEW graphics, you won’t want to miss it.
In addition, we will soon have details about an upcoming See’s Candy Fundraiser.
If you are interested in current in stock items, please checkout our Square site. You can set up for pickup or delivery.
Finally, we are targeting an online auction this winter (likely January). Start thinking about donation items and where we can get contributions to support the program.
If you have ideas, please reach out to Bill Sowa.
Board Meeting Update
Our next Band Board meeting is this Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00pm. You can review a few highlights from the last September Meeting at https://foothillmusic.org/2020/09/24/september-2020-band-booster-meeting/. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00pm. You can access the meeting from this zoom: https://pleasantonusd.zoom.us/j/2312245114?pwd=bHZlQkVsRHhiaSs0U2Z1NXRVaDRCUT09 Meeting ID: 231 224 5114 Passcode: fhsband