Parent Welcome Letter from Band Booster President

Hello Foothill Band Families, 

We are excited to start another year of great music and performances at Foothill.   As you know, the Foothill Band Boosters is the parent volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the students and excellent music programs at Foothill High School. The boosters provide operational logistics for all aspects of the program, fundraising, food preparation and necessary support to run the program.

One of the most important parts of our efforts is FUNDRAISING!  Our fundraising efforts provide the program the necessary funds for new instruments and repairs, uniform purchases and upkeep, instructional staff and music, and support equipment that keeps the program running smoothly.

Your participation is vital to our ability to reach our musical and financial goals. There are many ways – beyond financial donations – to help our music programs. Volunteering and actively participating in your child’s music education is imperative. To have a successful program, we need your participation in our major fundraisers; the Foothill Band Review and the Foothill Winter Show. These shows are key elements to the success of our program, and starting this year, we are asking for your participation in at least three volunteer shifts through the year.  This will ensure that that every program has enough support for maximum success.

The general Band Booster meetings are monthly, and are on the calendar on the home page.  These meetings are for all to attend, and help guide the future success of the program. The meetings offer the latest news about the band and its activities, and provide an opportunity to socialize with other band parents and to ask questions of the Directors.

The Boosters are governed by an Executive Board who meets monthly to discuss, plan, and manage the business affairs of this non-profit organization. Becoming an active member in our efforts helps promote the success of your children within the music program at our school, and helps everyone achieve a higher level of success. We look forward to your participation and support.

Thank you,

Bill Sowa, President
Foothill Band Boosters