Act Now: Save Elementary Music & Middle School A/B Period – Email PUSD Today!

by Jan 21, 2025News

Dear PUSD families,

The district is proposing to (1) eliminate the Elementary Music Program and all of the district’s 6.5 full-time Elementary Music Specialists and (2) eliminate the A/B period currently available in 6th and 7th grades.

To counter the loss of A and B periods, the district proposes (1) allowing 6th graders to choose between Exploratory Wheel or Band/Strings and (2) reducing the 7th-grade English Language Arts class to one period (it’s currently taught as a two-period class) so 7th graders have an extra period to choose an elective such as Band/Strings.

Further explanations about A/B period are below. Note – Dual Immersion at Pleasanton Middle School may also be affected by eliminating A/B period. 

If you do NOT want the Elementary Music Program and/or middle school A/B period to be eliminated, please do one or all of the following:

1. Email all the PUSD Board Members (Justin Brown, Kelly Mokashi, Laurie Walker, Mary Jo Carreon, Charlie Jones), the Interim Superintendent (Maurice Ghysels), and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services (Ahmad Sheikholeslami). 

(1) Send one email for each topic.

(2) As the subject line of your email, write either “Do NOT eliminate Elementary Music Program” and/or “Do NOT eliminate A/B PERIOD IN MS.”

(3) Send your email to the following email addresses:

(4) Feel free to use or modify the sample emails below.

2. Attend the PUSD School Board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025 (arrive around 6 pm), and make a public comment by submitting a comment card online regarding meeting item number XIII.B “Options for Budget Revenues/Reduction Report.”

Thank you for your support!

Soojin Hwang

President, Amador Friends of Music


*Sample email for opposing the elimination of the Elementary Music Program. Feel free to modify this sample email:

Email subject: Do NOT eliminate the Elementary Music Program

Dear PUSD Board of Trustees, Superintendent Ghysels, and Assistant Superintendent Sheikholeslami,

As a PUSD parent, I oppose the elimination of the Elementary Music Program. Getting rid of this program will negatively impact the education of the more than 4,000 PUSD 1st to 5th graders. Music education strengthens and enhances these young children’s education — by teaching them to read and count while learning a different language, one based on sound and notes. They learn new skills by singing or learning how to play a new instrument. They also get the opportunity to perform on stage. 

Do NOT eliminate this important educational experience for all PUSD elementary school students.


[Your Name]


*Sample email for opposing the elimination of A/B period for 6th and 7th graders. Feel free to modify this sample email:

Email subject: Do NOT eliminate A/B period for 6th and 7th graders

Dear PUSD Board of Trustees, Superintendent Ghysels, and Assistant Superintendent Sheikholeslami,

As a PUSD parent, I oppose the elimination of A/B period in middle school for 6th and 7th graders. 

Eliminating A/B period would mean that 6th graders in the Dual Immersion program at Pleasanton Middle School will no longer have the option to take DI and Exploration Wheel.

In addition, although the district has proposed to allow 6th graders to choose between Exploration Wheel or a Music elective, Harvest Park and Pleasanton Middle School do not have a music room size large enough to hold all of the interested Intermediate Band students (currently, 94 6th graders at Harvest Park and 71 6th graders at PMS) in one class period. 

Students in Jazz Band may not be able to take this class because they will not have space in their schedule to take the Jazz Band class in addition to taking PE (required by PUSD) and Band/Strings (required for Jazz Band class) along with their required courses during a school day. Although the district may deem this as having less impact overall since there is only one Jazz Band class at each middle school, these jazz bands are featured at their school events, including graduation! Not having a student jazz band performing at school functions deprives the entire school of hearing live jazz music performed by their peers.

The district sees music education as an “enrichment.” However, the PUSD’s award-winning Music Program is one of the district’s greatest “assets” — cultivating the entire student, from casual student musicians to virtuosos who play together in the school music ensembles, for each other, for the school, and representing the district all over the nation. 

Similarly, PUSD’s Dual Immersion program is another jewel in our school system.

Cultivate your assets! Do not get rid of A/B period in middle school! 


[Your name]


Supporting documents:

Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025 meeting agenda (Note: Meeting Agenda Item XIII.B is regarding the proposed budget reductions. Click on the meeting agenda item for more details and supporting documents.)

Report on Operation for Budget Revenue Reduction:

  • Page 26: Items “p” and “q”
  • Page 44: (p) Elementary Specialists and Programs
  • Page 45: (q) Middle School Electives and Programs

Further explanations

“A period” takes place before the regular school day, while “B period” is held after the regular school day. According to the 2024-2025 PUSD Middle School Course Catalog, in 6th grade, A period is available to Band/Strings and Dual Immersion students, who can take the Exploration Wheel class along with A period PE. In 7th grade, A period is available to Band/Strings students who also wish to take a World Language class. Currently:

  • Hart Middle School offers PE, Strings 1, and Intermediate Band during A period. 
  • Harvest Park Middle School offers PE, Intermediate Band, and Jazz Band during A period.
  • Pleasanton Middle School offers PE and Intermediate Band during A period and Jazz Band during B period. 
  • There may be additional courses offered during A/B period in PUSD middle schools.

Note: Eliminating A/B period will have different impacts on each of the middle schools. For example, at Harvest Park and Pleasanton Middle School, about 70 to 100 6th graders are enrolled in Intermediate Band, which is offered during A period and another period during the day. The music rooms are not big enough to accommodate all of these 6th-grade Intermediate Band students in one class period if offered only once during the school day. If Jazz Band is offered during the regular school day, Jazz Band students will not have space in their schedule, since they are required to take PE and Band/Strings along with their required classes. So eliminating A/B period will also effectively eliminate the middle school Jazz Bands.

Additional info

The budget reduction and the timeline was shared on Friday, January 10, to PUSD parents via Parent Square/email: 

  • Jan. 16, 6:00 pm: Initial review of budget realignment options 
  • Jan. 23, 5:00 pm: Board workshop for in-depth discussion of realignment options  
  • Jan. 30, 6:00 pm: Refining and narrowing of budget reduction options  
  • Feb. 13: 6:00 pm: Board action on budget reduction decision