FHS Ensembles Newsletter17 – Dec 16

Message from Rob

Hello FHS instrumental music families!

As we enter the last week of school, I hope your plans for the end of the year include some very well deserved down time and rest.

Last week, our students had a number of performances in the MPR. There are links to the performances below in the Photo and Videos section.

For those of you who are going to London, we are holding a mandatory in-person parent meeting on Tuesday. The meeting will be in Room C-6 at Foothill High School and will start at 7:30p sharp. Please ask your student to keep an eye on the London group in the Band App and emails. A LOT of updates and communications will be sent out via those two channels from chaperones and the overall trip information.

As we approach the end of the year, please note that you can still make your annual band donation. We are making great progress this year, and your help allows The Boosters to help with students, the program, and the directors.

With gratitude,


President, Foothill Band Boosters

Individual Donation Needed

The Foothill Music Program is fully dependent on family donations to support various core activities. If you have donated, we thank you! If you have not yet donated, we ask that you consider doing so this school year! Our budget for the year is $140,000, and so far, we have raised $97,296(See donation thermometer here) Please note that buses, food, truck rentals, and staff/clinician costs for competitions are covered by family donations. Your support directly impacts your student’s experience in the program. Please support the Foothill Music Program by donating the suggested amounts below.

• Concert/Symphonic Band – $150

• Wind Ensemble – $225

• Jazz A/Jazz B – $200

• String/Symphony Orchestra – $100

• Fall Season: Marching Band/Color Guard/Percussion – $900

• Winter Season: Guard – $900

• Winter Season: Percussion – $900

Credit card donations are accepted through Foothill Future Fund and through CutTime payment(Look for SMS ”{student name} has a balance on their account at the FOOTHILL HS BAND program.”). Donations made by check may be dropped in the lock box in the band room. More information at https://foothillmusic.org/donate/

Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, & Percussion Class

Big thanks to all of you for a wonderful semester! Our concert last week was a great way to wrap it up, and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

Enjoy the break, and we can’t wait to see you all in the new year!

Winter Percussion and Guard

Photos and Videos

Photos and videos from Jazz A Stanford festival performance, Marching band holiday parade, and winter concerts will be posted on Flickr and Youtube as editing is completed.  For the latest content, please refer to the following links:

We need team members for the Winter Guard and Percussion programs.  
Will you join us? Reach out to 

London Trip

  • Practice schedule
    • After School Rehearsal – Monday December 16th
    • During A Period Final – Wednesday December 18th
  • December 17 – Mandatory In-Person Parent meeting 7:30pm in Room C6

Join the ‘London Trip Parents’ group on the Band App. Don’t miss out on the latest trip updates! Stay connected. https://band.us/n/a4a7A6c23cP07