Volunteer Needed: Sign Up for Foothill’s Meat & Seafood Sale

The FHS Instrumental Music Booster is hosting the Meat and Seafood Sale on Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21 from 10AM – 4PM in front of Foothill High School sign. This fundraiser benefits all programs of the Foothill Instrumental Music and Color Guard. Come, stock up and support our program!

We also need your help with volunteering to run this fundraising sale. Here is a link to the Sign Up Geniushttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080848AFAC2BA4F85-49118514-2024

What we sell: Filet/tenderloin, Rib Eye, New York Strip, Brisket, Ball Tip, 90/10 Ground Beef, Shrimp, Scallops, Salmon Filets, Skinless Chicken, Louisiana Hot Links and Medium Links.

The prices are competitive on USDA Choice or higher grade meat and seafood. Spread the word to friends and neighbors and get those freezer bags ready because you are going to want to stock up.