Cookies, Bingo Highlights and Sign-Ups

by Sep 19, 2019News, Parents, Students

Here are some key highlights that you should be aware of:

  1. Cookie Sales: The opportunity is here again to offset this year’s music expenses by selling some high quality Gourmet Cookie Dough.  Coffee Cakes, Cake Rolls, Cheesecake, Brownies, Pumpkin Pie, and Cinnamon Rolls. For every 10 items you sell you will receive a free item of your choice.  This is not a required sale for students, but is a great opportunity to offset your costs. Want more information – check out the General Fundraising Page.
  2. Bingo Help Sheet:  Now that we are several weeks into Bingo, we thought it would be helpful to provide some key points that you should be aware of before you attend the event.  Attached you will find our Bingo Highlights document. You can also find it posted on the Bingo Page
  3. Sign-up Updates: Sign-up Updates: We will be publishing the sign-ups for our events by the end of this week. Please remember we are asking all families to volunteer for 4 shifts this year!