Foothill Music Program – May Update

by May 3, 2023News

Message from Rob

Happy May, parents!

We are headed towards the end of the semester and school year, and there is still a lot going on in our band community.

Here are the highlights in this email:

New Band Director

Meat and Seafood Sale on 5/13 and 5/14

Help Wanted

LA Trip Photos

Spring Concert Photos

New Band Director

Moise Fagundes comes to us from Milpitas High School. He has been with Milpitas since 2018. While he does have to wrap up his school year in Milpitas, we are hoping he will be able to make an appearance at our events so you can meet him before the end of the year.

Spring Jazz Band Concert – Wed. May 10th at Rios Lovell Winery in Livermore

We will continue our tradition of having the Jazz Band Spring Concert at the Rios Lovell winery in Livermore. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the music of our talented Jazz bands. The Winery opens their doors to us every year at no cost to us so please come out, enjoy the evening and buy some wine – either for yourself or as a gift. 

Band Yearbook is on Sale until May 15th

Every year we create a yearbook for our music program. It’s always fun to look back on the year and see all of the amazing photos that our photography team have taken. Purchase your Band Yearbook here before May 15th. 

Senior Parents: Don’t forget to turn in your Senior page by May 15th. You can use any desktop publishing tool as long as it can output a PDF file. The PDF needs to be standard letter size (8.5” x 11”) with at least 300 dpi resolution. Some free software packages include Canva ( and Adobe Express (

 Please email the PDF file to no later than May 15. If you have any questions, please email Charles Kim at

Meat and Seafood Sale

Our wildly successful Meat and Seafood sale returns on Saturday 5/13 and Sunday 5/14. It will run from 10a to 4p on Saturday, 10a to 2p on Sunday. Be sure to tell everyone you know as the quality and pricing of the meat and seafood we will be selling is unmatched! Wondering what to make for Mother’s Day? You’ll find the best meat & seafood at our event. We will have digital and physical flyers for you to post by this weekend. 

Volunteers Needed

We need some help this month with our fundraiser and our Banquet. Plus we have openings for some lead positions for next year. Please consider being a part of our community of band parent volunteers:

We need non-Senior parents to help out with the Band Banquet. We need help with set up, decorating, food service and clean-up. Only Senior parents are invited to the banquet so if you are a non-Senior parent, this is your opportunity to come and see what it’s all about.    

  • Band Booster Secretary – Our Executive Board for Band Boosters is looking for a Secretary for next year. If you are interested in being a part of the decision making team but can’t commit too much time, this is the perfect position. You will attend the Board meetings and take minutes. You’ll also email reminder and agendas for the meetings. And do some light admin work for the Band Reviews. 
  • Foothill Band Review Co-Leads – Our Fall Band Review is our biggest and best fundraiser and we need a couple of parents to help manage the event. You will really have fun getting to know all the parts of this event that schools all over the Bay Area look forward to year after year. 
  • Uniforms Lead or Co-Leads – Do you want a job where you interact with every single student in marching band. Students LOVE the uniform parents and we need 1-2 people to step up as the Uniform Leads. We will train you. We will be having a fund recruitment event this month for our uniform committee for next year. 

Calendar is just about completed for Fall 2023

Full Calendar on

Band Camp: July 31 to August 5

First Saturday Rehearsal – Aug 12, 2023

First Tuesday Night Rehearsal Aug 15, 2023

First Competition – WBA Dublin October 14th, 2023

LA Trip Photos

Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip possible, helped the kids look amazing in these new uniforms, the parents that chaperoned, and all the parents that were there to celebrate the kids. Enjoy all these phenomenal pictures! — by Peggy Chen — by Kun Xu

Parade Video

Spring Concert Photos

String Groups — by Ling Duan — by Peggy Chen

Band Groups — by Charles Choi — by Peggy Chen

Spring Concert Videos — by Peggy Chen